Irrevocability, 702.11
Restraints on alienation in instruments executing, 700.16
Defined, 702.01
Unexercised, disposition, 702.15
Trustees, 701.19
Trusts, title of trustee, 701.05
Unclassified, defined, 702.01
preferred stock PREFERRED STOCK
pregnancy PREGNANCY
Abortion, see Abortion
Artificial insemination, 891.40
Birth control, see Birth Control
Contraceptive articles, vending machines, display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Counseling services, 253.08
Employment discrimination, 111.36
Information to women, 46.245
Informed consent for abortions, 253.10
Low-income pregnant women, outreach to, 253.085
Midwife, see Nurses
Outreach to low income women, 253.085
See also Public Health
Prevention and services, programs, 46.93
School pupils, discrimination, 118.13, 118.15 (4m)
Sexual assault causing pregnancy, 940.225
State adoption center, 48.55
Tribal adolescent self-sufficiency and pregnancy prevention, 46.995
preliminary proceedings PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGS
Generally, Ch. 970
prescription drugs PRESCRIPTION DRUGS
See Drugs
presidential electors PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS
press PRESS
See also Newspapers
Freedom, I, 3
presumptions PRESUMPTIONS
Generally, Ch. 891
Abandoned property, general rule, 177.02
Actions affecting family, disposition of assets prior to action, 767.275
Adjutant general, certificate, 891.17
Administrative rules, filing of, 227.20
Adverse possession under color of title, 893.26 (5)
Affidavit of publication, 985.12
Affidavit of service, 891.18
After-acquired property, 853.29
Aircraft, damages caused by, 114.05
Alcohol beverages, possession, tax liability, 139.18 (1)
Appointment of personal representative, trustee, guardian, 891.32
Area of towns and counties, 891.28
Artificial insemination, 891.40
Authority to seize state timber, 891.04
Bank book entries, 891.24
Birth, public record, 891.09
Certificate of nonfiling, 889.09
Certified copies of public records, 889.08
Commerce department orders, 101.02 (6) (a), (8)
Commercial paper, genuineness of signature, 403.307
Contributory negligence, infant minor, 891.44
Controlled substances act, 961.56 (2)
Conveyances by public officers, 891.06
Corporate or company existence, 891.20, 891.31
Corporate or company meeting, affidavit of notice, 891.21
County records as to taxation, 891.11
Credit union book entries, 891.24
Criminal cases, 903.03
Absence as evidence of, 813.22 to 813.34
Public record, 891.09
Deed on judicial sale, 891.06
Electric wires, what use not adverse, 893.28
Fire fighters, presumption of employment connected disease:
Cancer, 891.455
Heart and respiratory disease, 891.45
Fish and game law prosecutions, 29.971 (14)
General rule, 903.01
Highway, release by owners, when presumed, 80.07
Highway orders, 80.34
Innocence, not changed by criminal law, 939.70
Insurance assessment, certificate of, 891.22
Intoxication based on percentages of alcohol, drugs in blood, 885.235
Joint liability, 891.30
Joint wills, 853.13
Judicial land sales, 891.07
Laws of U.S. and other states, 889.02